How Does Condensation Affect Your Roofing System?

Understanding how condensation can affect your roof and attic can be vital to avoiding severe roof damage, leading to needing to replace your roof. In Coral Springs, FL, this can be a real issue, seeing condensation caused by high humidity levels, which southern Florida is not lacking. 

Indoor Condensation Causes 

There are quite a few things that can cause condensation issues in your home, such as cooking, bathing, laundry, indoor fountains, etc. The condensation occurs when too much humidity is inside the property. If you notice the condensation on your windows, it’s indicative that there is unwanted moisture within your home.

So What Does Condensation Do To Your Roof? 

Excess moisture within your roofing system can wreak havoc! The majority of roofs are made using a lot of wood. Over time the moisture will soften and weaken the wood. The insulation in your attic is also compromised over time with excess moisture. And any metal like fasteners can rust as well. All of this can add up to severe roof damage if not attended to. 

Is There A Way To Manage The Home’s Humidity Levels?


Yes, there are a few things that can alleviate this issue within your attic. There are two primary ways: install ridge vents and the other by installing exhaust fans. The ridge vents get placed along the ridges at the top of the roof. Due to warm air rising this is the best place. At the eaves, there are intake vents that allow fresh air to flow into the house. Exhaust fans also help a lot, and they can be powered by solar! 

If you’re interested in learning more about how the Coral Springs Roofing Experts can help reduce your home’s condensation, give us a call today! 

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